2011년 9월 22일 목요일

Creativity, is it something that i can eat?

           If you pass through the institute street in Korea, you might notice that you are seeing the word “creativity” in every thirty seconds. Yes, Korea is in the fever of creativity. Every mother wants to develop their child’s creativity and they are always looking for good academies which can raise their child to be a great creative child.
           By the way, what does mean creativity, and why people are enthusiastic with it? First of all, creativity means the ability to think fresh, new and unoriginal ideas. And people believe society will need this kind of people, who is creative, in the future. Because, the present trend is concentrating on something that is new, and not typical, to be exactly different from just others. So that’s why many mothers in Korea are in the fever of academies, which raise creativity. As like this, since the power of creativity is increasing still now, and even the government is caring about this more and more seriously, Korea high school recently changed their ultimate goal for students. They said, they will raise creative students. And many people might not have any doubt about this. They would believe Korean education fits to creativity.
           However, surprisingly, one man disagreed about this argument. Ken Robinson said schools kill creativity. He said that creativity comes from the various curiosities. But to be curious means easy to make mistakes or failures in something new. However, present schools educate students not to make any mistake in everything. Just be perfect. And this is what he is saying, contradiction. Schools are killing creativity. Schools want to develop student’s creativity but they educate student not to make mistakes. And secondly, he argued that nowadays, schools concentrate on how to make students to enter good universities, only. They say middle school or high school is just a sort of steps or process for entering good universities. But Robinson said this is totally incorrect way of education.
           I agree for some part of his opinion, but some are not. First of all, I don’t agree about his opinion that he said school is killing creativity of students. I think schools are also working hard to find the ways to make students to be creative by diverse extra activities. And he said that the main reason is because school gives children the fixed idea that mistake is bad, so they just don’t challenge about something knew to not make any mistake. But, I think in this point, effects from parent or family would be bigger than schools. I think what makes students to think mistake is not good is because of their family or parent rather than school.
           So I think we should not just blame school’s work. Also recently, schools are making variety extra activities that can grow children’s creativity. Those programs were made by professional experts, so it is very reliable and effective. We can trust school’s education.
           Secondly, what I agreed about his argument was that, nowadays, schools usually set their ultimate goal for entering many students to good universities. And middle and high schools became a just process of preparing university entering. I also felt that, when I was in the middle school. My middle school 3rd grade advisor, who I respected much, used to say that, somehow my final goal is to enter good university, so let’s just be more patient. But I think we should change this kind of trend in Korea now. Middle or high schools should not be a place where preparing for university but they should be a place where students are able to find their talents and aptitudes. So school should prepare variety programs in education and should let them to feel free about it.
           In conclusion, I think school should make a chance to introduce their way of education to their school parent so that they can know that schools are working hard to raise their child’s creativity. And middle and high schools should prepare variety activities for students so that they can find their own talents and aptitudes as soon as possible. Like I said, if schools try to find their bad points and to solve it or on the other hand, to prevent their good points, we will be able to expect a good education system in Korea.

2011년 9월 5일 월요일

Term paper- How to treat with the increasing of multicultural families.

Jo Mina
Mr. Johnson
May 17, 2011
<Topic: How to Treat with the Increasing of Multicultural Families.>
1. Introduction
According to the National statistical office's survey about the movements of population of multicultural families, the number of multicultural families are increasing(Ban Taehoon) By the way, what is multicultural family? it means a family made of different people. The difference can be nationality, race, culture.
Then, what is the reason for increasing of multicultural families? It's because of an increasing of international marriage and there are many reasons why international marriages are increasing(Lee Jaebun 3). First of all, the main reason is that the men in the country or sea side cannot find their Korean partner to marry, so they got help from the international marriage company and they find out their partner from other country especially in the poor country since it's cheaper.
Second, more and more foreign workers came to Korea to have a job. Usually, they are from the poor country and they do the difficult physical labor that Korean doesn't want to do. And then they marry with the Korean women.
Third, because of the globalism caused by a development of techniques, such as a traffic, transportation, information communication, the earth became a huge village and people who wants to marry with foreigners are increasing, So they came to Korea and they marry with Korean women.
Fourth, there are several other reasons such as a religion.
The point is that, the number of multicultural family is steadily increasing, and we need to look it very carefully.
Table 1.
The number of multicultural family is steadily increasing-from the National statistical office.
(unit:matters, %)
international marriage
foreigner wife
foreigner husband
document: National Statistical Office, moving population(marriage) 2007

2. Body
From now on, I will talk about how we can deal with the increasing of multicultural families. First of all, I will tell you some positive affectations of increasing of multicultural families.
First of all, It solves our several society problems, such as a single men's marriage problem. For example, nowadays, there are a lot of men in the country, sea side who cannot find their Korean woman partner individually until they are very old. However, they could marry with foreigner women nowadays, so the rate of marriage of the men in country, sea side increased.
Second, multicultural family brought out vitality in the country side. In fact, a number of children are decreasing in the country side. However, since there are more and more multicultural family kids, the country side doesn't needed to close the school, and village became more vigorous.
Third, it helps Korea to cooperate with the tendency of globalization so that we can experience variety cultures.
On the other hand, there are still some bad affectations caused by multicultural family.
First of all, the most biggest problem that Korea will have is losing our specialty as a single-race nation, since the number of immigrants is increasing.
Second, the children from multicultural family are having a social problem and it has possibilities to become our social problem. Also, the number of multicultural family children being an outcast is increasing, and it became more and more serious problem. It's very dangerous for both them and us.(Lee Jaebun 4)
Table 2.
The reason why multicultural family kids are becoming an outcast.
since mother is fordigner
cannot communicate well
no special reasons
differences in behavior
differences in appearence
Jo Youngdal, Seoul university, 2006, survey of multicultural family kids learning.

Also, most of the multicultural families in country side are having an economical disability and it affects badly on their children's emotions.
Most of the multicultural families in Korea are low-income bracket so that they have low quality of education and social treatment. Here is the specific evidence. To standardize the rate of minimum cost of living, in 2005, 52.9% of immigrants women who had international marriage were having a below average of the standard point of minimum cost of living. 44% was having a 50% below average than the minimum cost of living even.(Seol Donghun, 2005;162)
Then, how can we solve this problems? The most important and easy way to solve it is to change our bad conventional thoughts about multicultural families.
So first of all, we should make a custom of understanding and respecting other cultures or languages. Actually, in the past, Korea tends to just inject our Korean tradition or culture to the foreigners. But what we need is harmony instead of injection since our society become more and more globalized. So we need the change our mind.
Secondly, the government should make an aggressive education for Korean to understand well about multicultural families. We tended to have an aptitude of thinking that only foreigners should adapt and understand our culture, in the past, but it is our public problem. So we need to solve it together.
Thirdly, I recommend having a bilingual language education inside the house to prevent multicultural kids, not to have a speech disorder. In the past, in the multicultural family house, we have a kind of conventional thought to let immigrants not to speak in their language at all. But the worse problem is that, since he or she cannot speak Korean well, their kids tended to have a speech disorder. From now on, we should change this bad custom. Korean family member should speak Korean well in front of the kids so that kids can learn Korean well, and immigrants should speak their language well so that kids can learn that language also. Then the kids can have a double language.
Fourth, the government should give low-income multicultural families an economical support. There are many multicultural families who cannot live in the high quality environment and this point can be a reason of multicultural kids becoming a rebel on our society.One way to support them economically is to give a various occupations to the multicultural family. Then they can earn their own money and they will also make their own lives.
Lastly, the government should give multicultural kids a supplementary lessons. Actually, many multicultural family kids are having a learning disorder caused by speech disorder.(Lee Jaebun, 4) So the government should care more about their education problem.
3. Conclusion
In brief, the best way to deal with the increasing of multicultural family is to have a new mental attitude about this problem. Also we should always be afraid of the possibilities of happening more serious problems in our society when we didn't control the multicultural families well.
Now, we know that multicultural family kid's future is nearly related to our Korean society, so we should take care of multicultural kids well to develop our economy. They are our future.
So, the government should give them a high quality educations and economical support.
But, I see the brightness in our Korea as this kind of systems were settled already and many parts of Korea are trying very hard to be familiar with multicultural families and they are having a nice education for them. And this is the example that shows how the government made a special program for them. In Go-yang, one broadcasting service center made a program about learning recipe of cooking for multicultural families.(Immigrants TV)
Works Cited
Ban Taehoon(반태훈).(2007).Moving population(marriage).Busanilbo(부산일 보).from:http://www.busanilbo.com/news2000/html/2008/1021/0K0020081 021.1027090259.html>
Lee Jaebun(이재분).(2008).The research about multicultural family kid's learning (다문화가정 자녀 교육실태 연구 -국제결혼가정을 중심으로-).Korean education development institute(한국 교육 개발원).
Jo Youndal(조영달).(2006).survey of multicultural family kid's learning.Busanilbo.fromhttp://www.busanilbo.com/news2000/html/2008/1 021/0K0020081021.1027090259.html>
Seol Donghun(설동훈).(2005).Searching for ways to develop multicultural family kid's learning ability.(다문화가족 역량계발을 위한 통합적 교육지원방안 모색) Korean educational development institute.(한국 교육 개발원).
Migrantworkerstv.(2010,December 5). The Multicultural Family Support Center in Koyang opens a Korean cooking class.Youtube.from:http://www.youtu be.com/watch?v=gDqLr3qOxw

Me, as a writer

Me, as a writer.
I'm "Great Mina Jo". "Great" is my self-modifier.
I chose my self-modifier as Great, because I really want to be a great person. So I always remind the word 'great' in my mind and try to do my best in everything. However, of course, i'm not great in many things yet and there are still lots of things that are very hard for me to achieve as I expected. By the way, English writing is one of those.
Since I have never been to abroad, i'm not good at English, and English writings. However, although i'm not good at it, i'm very impassioned English writer. I like writing. And I think this is my strength as a writer, that I have enthusiasm in writing and enjoy it. Also it seems I have a lot potentials to develop my writing techniques. But actually I don't have my own writing style though since i'm busy enough to check my grammars, vocabularies firstly whether it was correct or not, when i'm writing.
In practice, I write English diaries everyday, and this is one of my hobby. This is a kind of my daily precess. When i'm writing it, I just can relax, and arrange my mind. But the problem is that, when I reread my diary again, I feel very disappointed that I have poor writing techniques. I can know that it is very messy and there are lots of misused expressions such as grammars and articles. Also words that i'm using are so easy and simple. They don't express my mind delicately. But I want to be a writer who can give people an inspiration from my writings and I want them to be impressed a lot from it. And this is one of my ultimate goal as a writer.
So I really want to be a good writer someday to achieve my goal as a writer, and i'm sure that this English class will help me a lot in achieving my goal. Also i'm very excited to have my own writing blog, but i'm also worried about posting my writings. Because, I'm little bit ashamed of my present writing skills. Many people will visit my blog, and they will read my writings. This is quite uncomfortable work for me. however, I will develop my writing and English, so that I can write an excellent writings which can impress other people.
Lastly, I want this English class to be very helpful in developing not only my English writing but also speaking. And I want to write many essays in this class although i'm worried about grading but I will do my best anyway. Most of all, I hope this class to be fun.