2011년 11월 21일 월요일

[ Ted Video + SAT Words - Dan Gilbert ]

<Why Are We Happy??>

          I have a question to ask you.
          "Are you happy now?" If it is arduous for you to answer this question, then how about this one, "Do you think you will be happy after 10 years later?" There can be various answers however, the concise answer was already decided. The answer is "Yes". The questions that I asked could be seen facetious and fatuous, but it is not.

          I watched Dan Gilbert's video clip titled "Why are we happy?". I was very curious about the title because I have never thought about the reason why am I happy, or even am I happy now. So I just clicked on it right away. However, before I start to review, I found out a trivial but very important fact from its title. "Why are we happy" this sentence itself has an another intention. It tells that we are already happy. Thinking about the reason is the next step of being happy. To abridge the theme of this video, this is what Dan wanted to say to us, adherent . To say again, he wanted to say that we should not waste our time on worrying about our future will be happy or not, because people naturally has a characteristic to be happy at any kind of given environment, ambience or milieu. Therefore, we will be happy anyway in the future so we had better think brightly instead of being apprehensive. This lecture came to me as a little shock but it was interesting enough. "People will be happy anyway. People has natural characteristic(like an intrinsic property) to make themselves happy anyway" This arcane research made me very interested and I could assimilate this, in the last. He was cogent enough. He also gave us many kinds of experiments to corroborate his argument. Those were empirical.

          To augment my thoughts, I tried to relate the theme of this lecture to the book that I have read before. The title of the book is "Secret". The book is mainly talking about the "law of attraction". You might think it is ecceentric or histrionic but actually, this is the chronic law of universe. If you have something to achieve or want to have, just be ardent about it and wishing strongly. Then, it will be exactly achieved as if you conjured. Everybody has enough potential and possibilities for achieving what they want and wish. Therefore, as Dan said, we had better believe ourselves rather than worry and be ardent about what we want and achieve. Then, I'm sure that you or we will become the happiest person. Just be happy! Never be morose!

댓글 1개:

  1. Encouraging words..but it didn't encourage me to watch the video.
    I think many people already recognize that if they work ardently and do not waste time on worrying, their chances grow.
    Often, materials of its likes rather hinder people from becoming happy because it give people only reliefe. What desperate people need is critical feedback not consolation, I think.
    Sorry if U were offended..
